Call 811 Before You Dig

It's Free and It's the Law

Call 811 Before You Dig

It's Free and It's the Law

Why you should call 811

  • There are fiber, electric and gas lines that run under streets, sidewalks and private property to bring ultilities to homes and businesses. These lines may be just a few inches deep due to erosion, landscaping or other activities.

  • There is no way to know where a line is buried unless it is marked by a professional line spotter.
  • Hitting a line can cause serious injury to yourself and others, disrupt service to an entire neighborhood and result in costly damages for which you may be liable.
  • Most importantly, it’s the law!

What happens when you call 811

  • When you call 811 at least three days before digging, utilities will come out free of charge to mark the location of their underground electric, telephone, cable, water, sewer and gas lines.
  • PVT marks its communications lines in orange. A marking indicates the presence of a line but not how deep it is buried.

  • The markings are meant to guide your digging so that you avoid hitting underground lines.

Contact 811 by phone or online

There are two ways to request a line spot:

  • Call 811. New Mexico One Call operators take routine line location requests from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. If you have an emergency request, call (866) 344-6662.

  • Make a request online. You may also request a line spot 24 hours a day by using New Mexico One Call’s web portal to fill out an online request form. Your request will be processed the following business day.

What to do if you hit a line while digging

  • If you cause even minor damage to a telecommunications line, immediately contact PVT at 575-748-1241. A scrape in the line’s coating or a dent may cause a failure in the future. DO NOT attempt repairs yourself.

  • If you damage an electrical or gas line, immediately leave the area and call 911.

Additional Resources and Information