PVT Scholarships

PVT reinvests in its communities by offering scholarships to members in our cooperative service areas that are pursuing secondary education. If you know of a youth that can take advantage of the opportunities that we offer, please share this page with them.

PVT Education Foundation Scholarship and Directors’ Memorial Scholarship
Information and Application

These scholarship opportunities are available to applicants who are active members of Peñasco Valley Telephone Cooperative as of January 1 of the current year and have had at least two months of landline phone or internet service in any of PVT’s cooperative service area. If you need additional copies of either application form, please download from the links above. Applications are also available at PVT locations in Artesia and Mayhill.

If you have any questions regarding either of these scholarships, please contact Brianna Willard or Rey Berrones, 800-505-4844, [email protected].