PVT blocks, restricts or filters a few internet ports to protect our customers.

When ports are known to cause vulnerability to the security and privacy of your information, PVT blocks it to protect you. This protects you from common worms and from dangerous services that could allow intruders access to your computer. Below is a list of the ports that are restricted by PVT.

Port Transport Protocol Direction Reason for Filtering
17 TCP/UDP QOTD Inbound Used in DRDoS (distributed reflective denial of service) amplification attacks. Reference: https://www.us-cert.gov/ncas/alerts/TA14-017A
19 TCP/UDP CharGEN Inbound Used in DRDoS (distributed reflective denial of service) amplification attacks. Reference: https://www.us-cert.gov/ncas/alerts/TA14-017A
23 TCP Telnet Inbound N/A
25 TCP SMTP Both Port 25 is unsecured, and Botnet spammers can use it to send spam. This does not affect PVT email usage. We recommend learning more about configuring your email settings to PVT email to use port 587.
111 TCP/UDP NetBios Both Portmapper used in reflective DDOS Attacks
135-139 TCP/UDP NetBios Both NetBios services allow file sharing over networks. When improperly configured, ports 135-139 can expose critical system files or give full file system access (run, delete, copy) to any malicious intruder connected to the network.
161 UDP SNMP Inbound Used in DRDoS (distributed reflective denial of service) amplification attacks. Reference: https://www.us-cert.gov/ncas/alerts/TA14-017A
445 TCP MS-DS/SMB Both Port 445 is vulnerable to attacks, exploits and malware such as the Sasser and Nimda worms.
1080 TCP SOCKS Inbound Port 1080 is vulnerable to, among others, viruses, worms and DoS attacks.
1433 TCP MS-SQL Inbound Worms, Trojans
1434 UDP MS-SQL Inbound Worms, SQLslammer
1900 UDP SSDP Both Port 1900 is vulnerable to DoS attacks. UPnP
5351 UDP SSDP Both Port 5351 is vulnerable to DoS attacks. NAT port mapping. Similar to UPnP