1. Click on the Display Thunderbird menu icon
  2. On the menu that loads go to Preferences and select Email
  3. Now type in Your Name, Email address and Password and click Continue
  4. Make sure for incoming server IMAP is selected then press Manual config
  5. EFor incoming and outgoing Server hostname use mail.pvtn.net, verify that the incoming port is 993
  6. For SSL, select SSL/TLS for the incoming and Autodetect for Authentication
  7. For SSL, select STARTTLS for the outgoing and Autodetect for Authentication, verify that the outgoing port is 587
  8. For Username on both incoming and outgoing, use your full email address (if you type in your email address into the incoming server, the outgoing server will auto populate)
  9. Click on Re-test
  10. Click on Done